Friday 19 December 2014

Article Marketing Tips – How To Create Online Content That Generates High Traffic To Your Website

Article marketing is an online advertising technique widely used by successful businesses today and one of the best ways to enhance the visibility of your website, thus generating more website traffic and increasing your sales. With the following article marketing tips, we would like to help you make the most of this efficient tool that can make your site rank high on any search engine.

Including Relevant Content on Your Site

The first of our article marketing tips is to provide relevant, useful articles on your website. This is the first step of establishing yourself as a great, dependable seller or service provider. One of the most important things before building awareness to your site with the help of other tools is to make your website attractive and informative, and the texts published on your site are the best way to achieve this.

You can choose from several ways to make your site interesting with the help of article marketing. You can include pages on your site that give useful advice, tips or suggestions about your niche; you can have pages that contain testimonials and reviews, but whatever type of articles you choose, you must make sure they are 100% original and relevant to your niche.

The articles you publish on your site also need to be written correctly – you don’t want to read poorly written articles about the topics you are interested in and neither do your prospective customers. The style and the content of the articles is also important: you should try to make them interesting and fun to read, and you should also try to come up with real problems that your readers might face, then provide solutions, raising the reader’s interest in your products or services.

Article Marketing Tips to Create Texts Structured the Right Way

Do not forget about the structure of your articles, either. Organize your texts in a clear, informative manner – including subtitles and bullet-points are great ways to keep the reader interested.

Another thing you must bear in mind when you create your articles is keyword usage. Internet users type keywords into their browser when they are looking for information. If your articles are structured around the right keywords, the sites these articles are published on will appear among the first hits in the user’s browser, so the more relevant the keywords are, the more likely it is that the user will find your site and visit it.

And how to find the right keywords? The internet provides many different tools that you can use for keyword research. These tools allow you to enter keywords that you consider relevant for your topic and they will display the competition level and the number of searches for that keyword, also providing alternative keywords to use. A good article contains primary, secondary and long tail keywords as well, so you should come up with several different sets of keywords grouped according to their relevance for your topic. You must introduce keywords into the title and the subtitles as well – the title should always contain your main keyword, to tell search engines what the text is going to be about.

Once you have found the right keywords, it is time to organize your unique article around them. You will have to enter the keyword with a certain density into the text, the recommended percentage being 1% (the keyword entered once every 100 words in the article means a 1% density).

Backlinking with Your Articles

Our article marketing tips continue with suggestions about how to use your articles the most efficiently. Once you have created content about your activity and you published it on your own site, there is another efficient way to attract make your business more visible: to publish articles on other websites, with a technique called building backlinks. This tactic consists in posting relevant, interesting, well-formulated articles structured around the right content and containing the URL of your domain, on other, authoritative websites with the purpose of driving traffic towards your site. You can start posting your articles on social media sites and professional forums. and you can publish them on blogs as well, each of these posts pointing towards your site, encouraging visitors to check out your products.

Using Article Submission Services

If you consider the task of creating your own articles energy and time-consuming, you can hire other companies to leverage their experience in the area to your advantage. These companies are experts in finding the right keywords for your content, writing high-quality, properly structured articles and publishing them on authoritative sites to generate the highest possible traffic for your web site. They usually offer different packages so that you can choose the one that best suits your objectives and your budget, but all these packages have two things in common: the articles included are written in a professional manner and they will be published using the most sophisticated online marketing tools.

Forget about those newfangled article marketing or submission widgets – see what Google’s Matt Cutts thinks about them.

Article marketing is one of the most efficient tools of website promotion, so our best tip is to start using it. Whether you write and publish your articles yourself or you hire professionals to do that for you, good articles can boost your sales within a very short time.


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