Wednesday 5 August 2015

Sitting is Bad for Your | Have Fun & Sit Less

You have probably heard by now, that sitting for longer periods is extremely bad for your body and mind. To understand why it's bad for you watch the video below. While you watch, stand up and give your sitting body a 5 minute BREAK.

Did you stand up during the video? If yes, well done!
No? Please do it now.

It's easy to say you should stand up, walk and sit less during the day, but you might work in an office and it's just easier to type while you sit down, right?
I know I'm sitting while typing this :-) Therefore a few simple tips to move a little more during the day.

Tips to sit less at work

  • If you use public transport to go to work, take alternative routes to walk the last part. You will see new things and move more.
  • You go by car to work? Park at the far end of the parking lot or even at the neighbours if that's okay. You will move a lot more each week, if done consistently.
  • Drink a lot of water (or even coffee or tea) and use small cups. Each refill means you get to move around.
  • Drinking means going to the toilet, use the one that's upstairs or further down the hall.
  • Need a quick answer? Walk to your colleague and ask, instead of another email.
  • Printing a document? Maybe there is one at the other end of the office instead of the one next to you?
  • Stand up to get a file from the filing cabinet, instead of turning around on your chair.
  • Go outside while having a lunch break, take your own food (cheaper and as healthy as you like) and walk around.
  • Stand up and walk around each time you are on the phone. Your colleagues will get used to it.
  • Automate a reminder to stand up at least every hour.
  • Find a filing cabinet high enough to put your laptop on and work while standing. This will sure have a few colleagues questioning the situation. On the other hand you can see if you can get a standing desk.

Tips to sit less at home

Maybe you are moving around at work quite a lot, but as soon as you get home you might sit down more than is good for you. A few other tips:

  • Watching tv? Stand up during each commercial, you can even prepare a list of things to do while commercials are on. Maybe you need to put the trash outside, get the post out of the mailbox or clean your cats litter?
  • Need to get some groceries, use a shopping bag on wheels and walk to the store.
  • Again, walk around while on the phone, use the toilet upstairs, drink little amounts and refill as much as you like.

I work from home
Some time ago I realized I was sitting quite a lot myself, always on the same chair at my office, at home. I simply do most of my work from home, therefore I walk about 10 meters to get into my office....

At some point I decided to challenge myself. I was not going to sit more then 8 hours a day for 30 days (including in front of the TV). After a quick calculation I realized I had to change some habits. The result: 

How you can use an ironing board to sit less
Alternative use of an ironing board
Do I need to explain that I did not have a standing desk or a cabinet high enough? 

Other then this I have changed some habits, like always run upstairs to the toilet, walk our dog even more (he loves it), and walk around while on the phone. 

I challenge you to commit yourself to do something like this too. Believe me it's fun to do, you need to use your creativity and it's for such a good cause: Your Health!

Let me know the results and if you have some other good ideas to sit less and move more, please share them!

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