Monday 3 August 2015

5 Health Principles | Dr. Deepak Chopra

Dr. Deepak Chopra is an Indian-born American author and public speaker. He is an alternative medicine advocate and a promoter of popular forms of spirituality.

Chopra obtained a medical degree in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States. As a physician he specialized in endocrinology and became Chief of Staff at the New England Memorial Hospital (NEMH). [1]

He states there are 5 principles that improve a healthier life. 

1. Get good and enough sleep

"Sleep is when our soul actually refreshes our Body"

2. Exercise

"My body is a projection of my consciousness"

3. Control (negative) emotions

"Negative emotions are like unwelcome guests" Quote deepak Chopra

4. Meditate

"Meditation takes you beyond the mind's noisy chatter into the pure awareness that is the source of all your happiness, inspiration, and love"

5. Have a balanced diet

"If you find a better way to be happy than by overeating, your body will naturally return to it's balanced state"

So far these 5 health principles, but this is just in a nutshell, so please check some of his books like his most recent one: What Are You Hungry For?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being and Lightness of Soul

Anyway there is enough food for thought, but don't only think...Act!

[1] Wikipedia

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